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Benefits of Honey

Honey has been held in high respect for centuries with its potential to heal the body and soul. It has often been referred to as the nectar of the gods and the elixir of life. Honey contains natural preservatives and will never go out of date. Honey found today in Egyptian tombs is still safe for humans to eat.honeycomb[1]

Raw honey is a treasure chest of nutritional value and medicinal remedies. The major components of honey are sugars, which include fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose and other di- and trisaccharide sugars. Besides sugars, honey contains a wide variety of chemical components such as proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, volatile aromatic substances , etc. It contains traces of pollen and propolis. The diverse nature of these ingredients means that honey is not just a simple sweetener, but a nutritionally worthwhile product. It is a natural and powerful medicine both, internally and externally.

Nutritional Benefits

Honey is an excellent source of easily-assimilated energy, containing 64 calories per tablespoon. In fact, it is one of the most effective forms of carbohydrate gels to ingest before exercising, as well as an excellent carbohydrate source for post-workout muscle recuperation and energy repletion. Nutritionists think that honey is super food of the cells, tissues and organs. In it’s natural un-pasteurized state there have been identified over 180 nourishing ingredients. With filtration and pasteurization honey loses its essential ingredients. The main ingredient in honey is sugar: fructose, maltose, laevulose and sucrose. They are easily assimilated in the body, thanks to the enzymes present in honey. There are many vitamins in honey, which keep their potency much better than those in fruit and vegetables. Nutritionists think that honey contains all the necessary vitamins for normal development and health. Honey contains large number of minerals and micro-elements necessary for biochemical processes of the organism and is the food richest in enzymes - the catalysts of metabolism, without which metabolism is impossible.

Health Benefits

honeyjar[1]Honey has been used for centuries for treating everything to a common cut to severe allergies and infections. Honey contains poly-phenols that can act as antioxidants, powerful compounds which fight free radicals and reverse aging. These antioxidants are similar to those found in fruits, vegetables and olive oil. Honey’s soothing qualities may help relieve sore throats and nighttime coughs. It is an effective treatment for colds, flu, respiratory infections, and a generally depressed immune system. Honey heals inflammation of the throat and tonsils, and cures coughs. Whereas sugar shuts down the immune system, a good quality honey will stimulate it into action. It is exceptionally effective in respiratory ailments. It improves in conditions of chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, chronic and allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis. Stomach and mouth ulcers showed good healing by ingesting honey daily. Honey is also said to normalize kidney function, reduce fevers, 1 or 2 teaspoons at night is recommended for those troubled with insomnia. The use of honey as a wound dressing has been known since ancient times and is now being "rediscovered" in the modern era. Other conditions that are helped by using honey include cholesterol, heart diseases, indigestion and fatigue.

Beekeepers as a profession have the longest life expectancy due to having a continuous supply of honey, other beehive products and being stung by bees from time to time (who thought this would be good for you).